Operate Radios Checklist

Operate Radios Checklist

This is the point I've been waiting for and coding toward for all these many months. Previously, I indicated that I wanted to make my checklists enforce an ordering such that, if the user selected a checkbox out of order, indicating that they had performed a later task before completing a task that needed to occur previously, I wanted to inform the user that they need to perform the earlier task first and then they could perform the later task. This can be seen in the several checklists I created previously. I indicated that I wanted to enforce an ordering to the checklist that the user was required to perform. This is the first checklist where I am now enforcing that ordering on the user.

In this checklist below, if the user tries to choose the second item on the checklist "press the button and speak into the radio" before the first item "tune the radio to the frequency and listen for others", then the user gets an alert message indicating that they must first tune the radio. Further, the checkbox for "press the button and speak" is then automatically unchecked for the user indicating that they have yet to complete this task. However, if the user does check the checkbox on the "tune the radio" step ( indicating that they have completed the "tune the radio and listen" step ), then when the user does check the checkbox to indicate the completion of "press the button and speak", this checkbox is allowed to be selected and no alert message is given. Hurray!!!

Finally, this is obviously a very simple checklist ( only contains 2 steps ). For a checklist that would contain many many steps, the if-then-else logic may become very complex indeed to enforce the proper ordering that users are completing items on the checklist before other items. And where the checklist needs to allow the possibility of allowing users to perform items out of order ( because in real life they could perform them out of order without any consequences ), then again the if-then-else logic to support this situation again becomes very complex indeed. All of this is beyond the scope of the assignment being asked to perform here ( create a webpage containing if-then-else javascript logic ) but is important to take note.

Operate Radios Checklist
1. Change the frequency of the radio and listen for others.
2. Press the push to talk button and speak.

Finally, I have observed the checkboxes ARE INDEED BACKWARD COMPATIBLE TO Internet Explorer. HURRAY!!! HURRAY!!!