After Landing Checklist

After Landing Checklist Discussion

The following is a sampling of some of the tasks to perform after landing on the active runway at a tower-controlled airport with separate ground control operator in the tower. This is a numbered list.

Observation have already been made to this webpage that checkboxes are not showing while in this HTML5 Template. I intend to debug this webpage and ensure that checkboxes are functioning correctly later in this course, ITWP 1100 Javascript Programming.

  1. Release Brakes after slowing to taxi speed
  2. Exit Runway at next un-occupied runway exit
  3. Brake to a Stop on runway exit past the hold short line
  4. Flaps Up
  5. Fuel Pump Off
  6. Switch radio to ground control frequency
  7. Call Ground Control for instructions for taxi to parking

Following this checklist, the tasks we would perform include taxi-ing the aircraft to parking, parking and engine shut-off checklist, making the aircraft cold and dark checklist. We would also confirm with the flight operations office at the arrival airport of the arrival and end of the flight. We would also close of the flight plan and update the pilots and aircrafts logbooks of the flight, distance, time, weather conditions along the way, and any other observations made during this flight. If any issues were found with the aircraft during the flight, we would work with a licensed mechanic at the arrival airport to ensure the proper maintainence was performed on the aircraft before the next planned flight.