Before Takeoff Checklist Discussion
Prior to this checklist, you would probably have completed other checklists for a final run-up and engine check checklist, and change radio to tower control frequency and call the tower for clearance to takeoff.
The following is a sampling of some of the tasks to perform while on hold short of the runway before being given the "Clear to Takeoff" from the tower. This is a numbered list. Later I intend to change these to check-boxes.
- Canopy Close
- Check Fuel Pump On
- Check Mixture to 100%
- Final Flight Instruments Check and Set
- Elevator Trim to Neutral
- Verify Engine Oil Temp is 75 degrees Fahrenheit
Once the Clear to Takeoff is given from the tower, you perform a final visual check of the instruments of the aircraft, perform a final visual check that the runway and approaches to the runway are clear of other aircraft and wildlife, and finally taxi onto the active runway and start takeoff procedures.