Current Location and Find Nearest Airport

Map your current location to find a nearly airport to originate a flight.

This webpage asks the user to allow the browser access to the users location. If the user responds to allow the browser access to location data, then the navigator geolocation method is called and if it returns the information in the object within 10 seconds, the information will be displayed on the screen for the user.

Then, in a box below the form showing the text information of the users geolocation position, the Google Maps API will be called. If that API returns a google map, that will be displayed in a box below the form. The user can pinch and spread zoom the map. The user can also pan and scroll the map. It is important to note that the map works when debugging the webpage on my local PC from a file. However, 2 things... 1) The map indicates that it is for development purposes only with watermarks on the map. 2) There is an e-mail from Prof. Wanner indicating that the map does not work. I assume that is when the webpage is uploaded to the webserver.

The purpose of showing the location ( hopefully altitude also ) is to show the user some of the information necessary to complete the information requested to calculate the RV6-A takeoff distance calculation ( calculator ) which was a webpage developed earlier. Also, the user could use the map to locate a nearby airport from which to start a flight plan from. The next webpage I develop will contain an AJAX updated Weather report which will show location information of air pressure. Again, this is input information for the takeoff distance calculator developed earlier in the course.

Current Location and Find Nearest Airport
Current Lat: Long: